Prize Clickers

Prize Clickers

Saturday, 18 February 2017

PIFexplosion(PIFe) - Guides/FAQ's - 4 - Account Settings.

For all other parts - CLICK HERE.


Menu options and what they mean.

Main menu heading.
Drop-down menu page.

Account Settings
>>>Edit Account
>>>On Site Solo Settings
>>>Delete Account

Edit Account
Here you can set your payment processor details
if you did not upgrade to Diamond when joining.
If you did, your processor will be set to the one
you purchased with(except STRIPE).

BitCoin - Ethereum - PAYEER

You can also change your password and email.

On Site Solo Settings
Set your Solo Ad preferences. Diamond members
can choose to NOT receive Solo Ads delivered by
email and view them on site only.

Gold/Free members must accept Solo Ads by email. 

Delete Account
Aww, really? If you have to go, you have to go. :(