Some news and Saturday Cycling!
Positions Update
There are currently 486 positions filled from a possible 500.
If you were planning on adding anything, PLEASE message
me in the next few days.
Talking to a couple of members about adding new positions.
If they do purchase, it will take us over the 500.
If positions go over 500, no problem but the date has to be
fixed as on now.
No new positions after Saturday October 10th.
Positions for members will open back up at 400.
Check your links!
The following applies to links in a frame. A frame is used in TE,
Mailers etc. and usually contains ads and a timer. It never used
to apply to BANNERS* but on certain sites, it can.
I mentioned a number of months ago that there was a problem
with links not leading to the correct referrer. Due to privacy
settings in multiple browsers, it caused the referrer to be none.
At the time, this was on trackers/cloakers and rotators. Some
links worked, others did not.
NOW, this is happening on even normal referral links that are
shown in Chrome(in a frame). The good news is that there is a
quick fix for all links(even banners and text ads).........use a
splash page as the url.
If you use a splash to advertise in a frame, there is another
link on that page that needs to be clicked. That click will then
be opened in a "true" new tab/window.
If anyone needs a post that shows some real world examples,
just drop me a message. I have no problem creating a little
window this week for a post with some screenshots.
*Thanks to a member from Sweden for the banner info. :)
-----To the Cycled(Elite)
Keep safe and stay healthy.
Need anything? Get in touch.
David. :)