Prize Clickers

Prize Clickers

Saturday, 31 October 2020

News - Bad, Good,'s News!

Hey everyone.

This is pretty text heavy tonight but can't be helped.

Elite Bad News - Good News plus other Good News.

Bad News - Good News


The "Special Thing" is not going to work out the way I hoped.

It could but it's a bit of a gamble and I'd rather not do that.

Safety is absolutely number one and then comes fun. Safe Fun?

The idea was to have 50 cycles at Christmas or New Year and
possibly another 50 at the end of January.

The "Random Thing" was also going to be added at that time.

Planning to liquidate assets to get the correct amount at the
correct proving a bit of a headache. Even if it did
happen correctly, we would be exposed for a numbers of days
to drops in the market that could be critical to the plan.


So.......what are we doing now?

We are still going for 100 or more by January end but it will
now be some weeks with no cycling and others that are
bigger than normal..................starting today. :)

Other Good News(Random Thing)

What is the Random Thing?

Program positions will be added to the matrix. When these
positions cycle, they repurchase a position and add $1.00
to 4 x random member positions. That is 5% on positions
and will be to a maximum of 150% for each position.

The max payout per position has now moved from

$24.00 to $30.00

You will be able to see these positions in the matrix as
"Random Booster". If your position has received a boost, it
will be next to your position as +5%, +10% etc.

I did want to add 10 of these to the matrix during the Special
Thing but these will now be added slowly until we have the
maximum of 10.


Next post --------> Cycling News


Keep safe and stay healthy.

Need anything? Get in touch.

David. :)

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Something was happening on Wednesday?

Hey everyone.

Birthday Contest(Elite)

Contest closed, congrats to the winners!




Keep safe and stay healthy.

Need anything? Get in touch.

David. :)

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Quick contest update + Saturday Cycling!

Hey everyone.

A quick post for Saturday/Sunday...gotta go!

Birthday Contest(Elite)

ONE prize left, get your message in!!!!!!!!

-----To the Cycled(Elite)



Keep safe and stay healthy.

Need anything? Get in touch.

David. :)

Thursday, 22 October 2020

PCE Birthday Contest plus Wednesday Cycling!

Hey everyone.

The PCE Birthday week continues...........................

EASY Birthday Contest and some Wednesday Cycling!

Birthday Contest(Elite)

Probably the easiest Contest ever or should it actually be,
let's just give it away!

Here we go................


6 x 1 position at PIFe - $29.40 value


Must be a member of PCE and PIFe(in our downline)

Not sure if you are in our PIFe downline? Get in touch.


Send a message saying - I am PCE and PIFe....YaY!!!!

Use Email, FB, Twitter or Discord. Contact page is HERE


Last date for message to be sent - Tuesday 27th October

Winners announced - Wednesday 28th October


-----To the Cycled(Elite)



Keep safe and stay healthy.

Need anything? Get in touch.

David. :)

Saturday, 17 October 2020

What's the date? Cycling Surprise coming!

Hey everyone.

PCE is now at the grand old age of ONE.

Celebrating our first year and being on a Saturday.........

Saturday Cycling! + Random Birthday Cycling! YaY!!!!!!

There will be TEN extra positions cycled, all RANDOM. :)

Normal and Extra Cycling Saturday is below.


-----To the Cycled(Elite)


-----Birthday RANDOM Cycled(Elite)



Keep safe and stay healthy.

Need anything? Get in touch.

David. :)

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Passed the Max + Cycling!

Hey everyone.

Some news and a little Cycling!

PCE Positions are now......Closed

Closing position count is 517.

I want to thank everyone for your contribution to the success
of the PCE program and the trust you have placed in me.

Now the real work starts.

Updates will be coming in the next weeks and months about
where we are going and what we are doing. Working towards
these two main things.

The "GOOD THING" in Dec/Jan.....or maybe both?
The "RANDOM THING" earning addition?

More to come. :)

We will open up again for all members at 400.


-----To the Cycled(Elite)



Keep safe and stay healthy.

Need anything? Get in touch.

David. :)

Sunday, 4 October 2020

PCE positions running out - Check your links + Saturday Cycling!

Hey everyone.

Some news and Saturday Cycling!
Positions Update

There are currently 486 positions filled from a possible 500.

If you were planning on adding anything,
PLEASE message
me in the next few days.

Talking to a couple of members about adding new positions.
If they do purchase, it will take us over the 500.

If positions go over 500, no problem but the date has to be
fixed as on now.

No new positions after Saturday October 10th.

Positions for members will open back up at 400.

Check your links!

The following applies to links in a frame. A frame is used in TE,
Mailers etc. and usually contains ads and a timer. It never used
to apply to BANNERS* but on certain sites, it can.

I mentioned a number of months ago that there was a problem
with links not leading to the correct referrer. Due to privacy
settings in multiple browsers, it caused the referrer to be none.

At the time, this was on trackers/cloakers and rotators. Some
links worked, others did not.

NOW, this is happening on even normal referral links that are
shown in Chrome(in a frame). The good news is that there is a
quick fix for all links(even banners and text ads).........use a
splash page as the url.

If you use a splash to advertise in a frame, there is another
link on that page that needs to be clicked. That click will then
be opened in a "true"
new tab/window.

If anyone needs a post that shows some real world examples,
just drop me a message. I have no problem creating a little
window this week for a post with some screenshots.

*Thanks to a member from Sweden for the banner info. :)


-----To the Cycled(Elite)



Keep safe and stay healthy.

Need anything? Get in touch.

David. :)

Thursday, 1 October 2020

PCE almost closed + CONTESTS! coming needed. :)

Hey everyone.

We are sitting at almost 95% of capacity in positions. There
are only 27 positions until closure of purchases completely.

Reminder that those 27 positions are for current members.
If you have no purchases in the past, you cannot buy now.

One way you could get a prize in the Contest!

Some news below and more to come.


I will be bringing the old contests back by the end of year.

There has to be an appetite for them so........GET EXCITED!

Ummm, please? lol

One contest is 100% guaranteed to run. The results of that
will let us know if they could be a regular feature or we just
consign them to history and move on.

I want a bit of fun for YOU and myself. In order to do that,
we will need a decent amount of people to join in. Upwards
of 15 who are really active but preferably 25+.

Simple contests -
get a tracking link, promote it everywhere
you can legally - EASY.
Highest amount of valid hits....wins
the top prize.

Prizes for 2nd to xx place and possibly prizes for all members
who send xx amount to the links. That could be prizes for all.

We will be promoting one or two of the Forced Matrix sites
to start with....then changing monthly if it works out.

May add a random ad site to promote as well.





No need to be a member of any of them but it would be a
good idea to be. Suggestions on which site(s) to start with
are welcome.

On the suggestions........ALL are welcome for the launch
of new contests and the way they could be structured. Just
drop me an email with your thoughts.

There is time but you know what that is like, it goes fast.


Need anything? Get in touch.

David. :)