Prize Clickers

Prize Clickers

Friday, 20 December 2019

Friday update - 20th Dec.

It's almost the weekend again and there a few little bits of news.

I've moved OneAdPack from TESTING to PAYING.

The launch went well but for a few minor issues like not being able
to purchase more than 99 packs. All issues are fixed and the site is
running well.


Get a completely FREE AdPack, if you are an ELITE member.

Special Offers from Ori Group

There are some intermittent capacity problems at the four sites in
Ori Group - AdFeedz, AdTokenz, BitX and AdFlow. Probably no
coincidence that the problems started when the specials went live.

Or it could be balancing the load as they have a new site.............
Haven't had the chance to look but I'll check it out this weekend.

To celebrate Xmas, special promos for credit packages have begun.


15x extra plus 15% off. Get the top package -

30,000 credits for $29

changed to....

450,000 credits for $24.65

Smaller packages available and you can buy as many as you want.

Use the promo code -
15Xmas - each time you checkout.

Valid until the end of day 31st.

15x extra visitors. Example -

1,000 credits for $10 plus 24,000 tokens

changed to....

15,000 credits for $10 plus 24,000 tokens

Buy from $1 and you can buy as many as you want.

Use the promo code -
15daysto2020 - each time you checkout.

Valid until the end of day 31st.

There are no specials here as the prices are already rock bottom.

Special on the PRO upgrade should still be available.


Need anything? Get in touch.
