Prize Clickers

Prize Clickers

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Less than TWO days to go.....

Less than TWO days to go..... NEW Contest
With less than TWO days to go, I hope you are getting ready to ROCK!

Dates are set for the 17th to 31st but I forgot the time = 16:00 GMT

On the 17th at 16:00 GMT, I will copy the number of activity points
of all direct referrals at BizKniz.

On the 31st at 16:00 GMT, I will again copy the activity points. After
that, I just need to subtract the 17th from the 31st to get your total.

Highest number wins and so on, down to five prizes. Maybe more. :)

All you need to do is promote and you could win.


Details of the Contest are all set and you can find them to the right
of this post or you can click below. There are also TERMS posted.

Contest - NEW!

Contest - Terms

Good luck when it starts and remember, if you have a question, I
will be here to answer.


Need anything? Contact me.

David. :)