The new program added today is......
A unique, PRO only site offering unlimited banners and clicks
plus some interesting ways to make commissions.
Banner sizes available -
728 x 90
300 x 250
468 x 60
125 x 125
No surfing, clicking or login needed to earn.
Adpacks or "Freedom Units" costing $10 each that return 120%.
Rocket Matrix can win up to $5,230. $5 per ticket.
You need to be a PRO member to earn. That may change in the
future but for now - join and check out the Launch Offer for $29
Earning as a PRO
$29 gets you six banners with UNLIMITED impressions and clicks.
The banner types are
3 of 125x125
2 of 468x60
1 of 300x250
You can change the banners at any time AND they are shown on
other sites, not just AdFlow. Much more exposure for your ads
and worth the upgrade.
If you need more unlimited banners, just purchase extra slots.
Extra slot sizes 125 = $3, 468 = $5, 300 = $10.
Refer a PRO member = 50 points. Reach 100 points = $20 paid.
When your referral reaches 100 points, you get $5 and 50 points.
Unlimited PRO earnings and possible renewals after a year. Can
be very powerful if you are able to refer a good number yourself
or you happen to refer someone with a big list. :)
25% commission on Extra Slot purchases - Freedom Units
20% commission on Rocket Matrix purchases
25% commission on Extra Slot purchases - Rocket
Freedom Units
Freedom Units return 120% at a minimum of 1% per day up to a
maximum of 10%, Monday to Friday.
You get 1 of 728x90 banner with 10,000 credits per purchase.
Banner is also added to a directory so you may get clicks, long
after your credits have run out.
Extra slots are $9 each and come with directory listing.
Rocket Matrix
Ad purchase with a game of chance built in. That's the easiest
way I can explain it. lol
$5 Rocket purchase gets you 10,000 credits to use on any of the
four banner sizes supported(use any size you need or all).
These banners are on a special page promoted....with a join link
to AdFlow. The join link has a random PRO and Rocket members
link in it so you could get a random referral.
Extra slots are $2, $3, $5 and $9 for the four banner sizes.
Quick Bites
Payeer, Perfect Money, SolidTrustPay and CoinPayments(BTC,
LTC, ETH etc.) accepted. 7% withdrawal fee.
You can also buy extra slots and Rocket Matrix from balance.
With a relatively high fee for withdrawals, only purchase Freedom
Units with a payment method that has low fees at less than 3%.
LiteCoin and Ethereum are perfect for this, BitCoin is NOT, unless
you get a lucky day when fees are low.
If you're planning to buy more than 20 Freedom Units, buy one
or more extra slots for your banners too.
Purchase a single Rocket Matrix, even if you didn't plan to. This
will add your referral url to the special page = possible random
referrals. For that chance plus 10,000 credits and the other
chance to win big, it's a worthwhile gamble.
Certainly unique and interesting. Doesn't "offer the moon" so it
could run for a long time. Attractive for advertisers, promoters
and earners.
The PRO membership is worth the price(at this time), whether
you are looking to promote or not. High visibility of multiple
banner sizes on various Crypto sites is like gold.
Too much higher a price and I would not recommend it.
If you don't understand something I've written or just have a
question before/after you join, Contact me.
See ya soon.
David. :)