Prize Clickers

Prize Clickers

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Mixed News - the bad and the good - 1

mixednews The Bad

ClixCoin. This site is currently being tested but I have noticed a
few strange things. On the site it states a withdrawal minimum
of 20k satoshi. When you click withdraw, it is actually 40k(or 45k
for some members).

No news about any withdrawal increase. Actually, no news about
anything but the first five referral contests(mmm..what about the
last four?).

And have you looked at those contests?

The current contest has 0.7 BTC in prizes awarded to the top ten,
regardless of...well, anything. No minimum referral count, no
minimum users upgraded....just get the most referrals in two
weeks and receive 0.3 BTC for first place.

A total of almost $5,500(at time of contest start) in prize money,
for a fourteen day referral contest? Does that sound right to you?


Buxvertise and SimplyPTP(same owners) went offline with an
image left up - Be Back Soon! That was around FORTY days ago.

Ummm, my definition of Soon! - is a bit quicker than that.


Bitcoinclicker. In similar fashion to the sites above, went offline
for maintenance. Stated to be back by the 29th of last month, the
new date is the 29th of this month.

Maybe this will last until the next leap year - be back on the 29th
of February. lol


Need anything? Contact me.

See ya soon.

David. :)