Prize Clickers

Prize Clickers

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Bitverts News

bitverts news BitVerts

Bitverts stopped paying(and accepting deposits) a couple of weeks
back. Admin had been posted as in bad health and not able to do
anything with the site until he has recovered.

This news came not long after he put anti-cheat measures in that
identified and red flagged bot/suspicious accounts.......How much
of this "bad health" is actually threats against the site, admin and
his family, we don't know.....but we know it happens.

Stress could also be a factor. It is now clear that the site was run
by a single person. You CANNOT run a site with 100,000 members
on your own, unless the site is dead.  Bitverts had over 1,000
members online 24/7(even if a lot of them were bots).

Up until today(Bitverts is currently down), the site worked fine if
you wanted to just advertise. Do all clicks each day, post an ad,
get bonus ads the next day(higher paying ads). Use the bonus ad
funds plus earnings from clicks, post an ad....etc. By doing this,
you get a steady stream of advertising each day.

Posting ads and supporting those who also do, is making the best
of a bad situation. Quitting/ranting/threatening doesn't do that
member any good - no money AND no ads - so why not make the
most of the ads?

If the site comes back online - do not request a payout. If you do,
that amount will go into pending and cannot be cancelled. Use
your funds to advertise like I said above. If payments ever start
again(and that is a big bold IF), you can always request when
your earnings from bonus ads build up.

If the site stays down and then disappears, it was a great site while
it lasted - ruined by bots, cheaters and poor planning. With a few
changes to the model AND finding a way to get rid of the cheaters,
Bitverts could have become a legend......


Need anything? Contact me.

See ya soon.

David. :)