Prize Clickers

Prize Clickers

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Please excuse the mess.

Two posts in one day, looks like I am going for a record. lol

You may have noticed there are no fixed pages or menu, just
posts. I will be editing, removing and adding pages over the
next few weeks. The blog got a little muddled and needs to be
organised better.

There is also some outdated information and a number of new
things I want to add like;

Cashback - Outside advertising - Guides - Coins(BitCoin, Lite-
Coin, Doge, Ethereum etc.). Focus on individual owners and/
or sites....the list goes on. :)

This blog was going to WordPress and the
domain was going to be a TE(it even had the script installed)
but things have changed. The blog may still move to WP and may still become.......but for now,
forwards to this blog and I will add things here, regularly.

Please make sure you are on the Prize Clickers list or have
at least

like, follow on FaceBook

That's it for now. I will see you soon.


Got a question, need help? Get in touch about anything.


Best wishes.

David McKay

Prize Clickers Admin