Banners are often neglected(along with text ads), in favour of
mails or direct views but they are an important part of any
advertising strategy.
I'm guilty of that neglect and only realised it fully when I was
setting up a banner rotator for our PIFe Diamond members. I
have the ability to create unlimited banner rotators through
Trck.me but when I looked - I had just THREE active.
I started thinking, I really need to use banners more. lol
Then I thought, I want the banners to reach as many sites as
possible, without joining a load of other sites.
There are a few programs out there already and they are on
my list to look at. I was going to start looking at that list BUT
this site popped up and is from proven and paying Admins.
It was a no-brainer to join and upgrade on it's first day.
Banners shown on over 200 sites with just a few clicks.
3x13 Forced Matrix with Direct Commission.
Join free and get 1000 impressions. Promote and get 10% of
your referrals purchase plus a referral reward. You also earn
cash on site that can be put towards an upgrade or ad buy.
Upgrade to Silver for $9.80 Lifetime and get
20,000 banners
5 x banner slots
1 x matrix position
50% direct commissions
$0.40 matrix commissions, down all 13 levels
Higher earnings on site than a Free member.
Upgrade to Gold for $9.80 Monthly and get
20,000 banners(monthly)
10 x banner slots with highest priority
1 x matrix position(monthly)
50% direct commissions
$0.40 matrix commissions down 13 levels
Solo Ad(monthly)
1 x Lifetime Banner(no credits used)
Higher earnings on site than Free or Silver members.
Run out of ads?
Buy more banners, get matrix positions.
Buy more solo ads, get matrix positions.
Buy more banner slots, get matrix positions.
All purchases come with matrix positions to earn from.
Buy 30,000 banners and get a matrix position that will
pay YOU back. You are referring your own purchase so
you will get paid 50% comms. and matrix comms.
$9.80 purchase has now cost you just $4.50 and you have
30,000 banners plus a new matrix position to earn from.
I could go on and on and on. lol
This is the perfect partner to PIFe if you are looking for
advertising and the ability to earn through promoting.
Any questions? Just ask.
-->Have a banner site YOU love? Send me the details.<--
Happy advertising and earning.