Hi everyone.
Yes, we're still at the temporary home and will be for a little
while longer. I know some of you will be disappointed but I
want to give 100% to the new Prize Clickers and with offline
commitments and a holiday coming up, that can't happen
until December.
I don't want to launch and then only be able to give an hour
each day to PC. You deserve a quality service and you will
have that, just a bit later than expected.
So, I think it's time for a new contest. :)
I was going to make it the last week of this month and the
first of next but........ the Badge Hunt is on during that time.
I will have a couple of badges in the Hunt and I'll send out
details of how to get them soon. Quick tip - make sure you
have signed up to the Prize Clickers list. Just click below.
So, I'll be looking at the last two weeks in October. I'll send
out more details nearer the time.
If you ever have a question or need any help, I'm here.
Best wishes.
David McKay
PC FaceBook Page