Hi everyone.
Not much left of the weekend so I hope you are all making the
most of your time.
New Contest
The new contest has been posted. CLICK.
Friday the 4th to Friday the 18th of March.
Six bonus prizes are mentioned on the Contest page. I was
going to add details this weekend but getting the time to do it,
isn't there. I will finish details before the contest starts.
Haven't had time to promote the contest either - which is very
good news for you! Less people, better chance of winning. :)
New Exchange - Offer running out.
Super 7 Surf - the launch week offers expire today or maybe
tomorrow. If you wanted one of the offers, I would do it today,
just in case you miss out.
During launch week there is an insane offer that is simply too
good to turn down. There are 7 different levels to upgrade(all
are priced well) but the Level 7 is a steal.......
$59 LIFETIME Level 7 Top Upgrade or $5 monthly.
1:1 Surfing Ratio - 4 second timer
777 credits/banners/text ads/square banners monthly.
70% Commission on sales AND OTO's.
7% referral credits.
0% auto assign to build credits(if you need to).
250 unique hits to your affiliate page(s) = 5 cents daily.
$5 minimum payout - weekly payments.
Two entries in the next PC contest for upgrades to any level.
If taking the Lifetime, you will get two entries in all contests over
the next two years PLUS a special bonus(this week). :)
Got a question, need help? Get in touch about anything.
Reminder - prizeclickers.com is not an active site. Temporary
home is here and we will be here for at least a few months.
Best wishes.
David McKay
Prize Clickers Admin
Hi everyone.
I hope you are all having a great weekend. It's been a while
since we had a contest...so let's make this one epic!
New Contest
A new contest has now been posted. CLICK.
Friday the 4th to Friday the 18th of March.
Six bonus prizes are mentioned on the Contest page. I will be
sending details of the bonus next weekend. Still working on it
but it will be something interesting, worth real money and also
worth your time. :)
New Exchanges.
Two exchanges added. One, brand new today and the other a
little older. If they are popular with members, they will become
permanent fixtures. I will highlight the newest here.
Super 7 Surf - launched today by Jules Wimbleton.
VTG, Zubees, Prosperity Coins, CoopMG Top Surfer Awards.
Zubee Silver logging in - Gold at 25 pages(upgraded).
Jules has a long history of paying members. All members, not
just upgraded. Get paid for everything you do or win on her sites.
No need to request payment either. If you are over the payout
minimum, you get paid that week.
Real people looking at your ads and not bots or cheats burning
through your credits.
During launch week there is an insane offer that is simply too
good to turn down. There are 7 different levels to upgrade(all
are priced well) but the Level 7 is a steal.......
$59 LIFETIME Level 7 Top Upgrade or $5 monthly.
1:1 Surfing Ratio - 4 second timer
777 credits/banners/text ads/square banners monthly.
70% Commission on sales AND OTO's.
7% referral credits.
0% auto assign to build credits(if you need to).
250 unique hits to your affiliate page(s) = 5 cents.
$5 minimum payout - weekly payments.
Two entries in the next PC contest for upgrades to any level.
If taking the Lifetime, you will get two entries in all contests over
the next two years PLUS a special bonus(next week). :)
Her other sites are listed on this blog and are well worth a look.
75% Surf(in the next contest), The Hit Hound and 75% Mailer.
The other one newly listed is Paranormal Traffic. Coming from
Shon Jimenez - he has the energy, imagination and work ethic
to make this TE stand the test of time. I will be highlighting this
exchange and all the others through time. Stay tuned.
Removed Exchanges.
Five exchanges have been removed due to the owner passing
away, admin problems and/or inactivity. I hope to add some of
these sites back at a later date.
Any site removed temporarily, that you were upgraded at under
Prize Clickers - you will still get the two free entries in every
contest until your upgrade expires.
TE's that no longer exist, you would still get the free entries. We
have no exchanges that folded with upgraded members but I
just want to assure members that if it ever happened, you will
still have contest entries added. :)
Got a question, need help? Get in touch about anything.
Reminder - prizeclickers.com is not an active site. Temporary
home is here and we will be here for at least a few months.
Best wishes.
David McKay
Prize Clickers Admin